RefugeeHelp in English

More information for refugees on

Are you a refugee in the Netherlands? And do you have questions about your situation? RefugeeHelp has the latest information for refugees - in your own language. The platform is managed by VluchtelingenWerk Nederland.

RefugeeHelp for you too

RefugeeHelp started last year as an online platform for refugees from Ukraine. Together with 28 other organisations, VluchtelingenWerk Nederland (VWN) started the RefugeeHelp website to help refugees from Ukraine get the best possible information. Now the website has been expanded to provide all refugees in the Netherlands with the right information.

Visit the website

Your homepage

Each situation has its own homepage containing information for that specific situation. These include:

Did you previously use the ForRefugees website for information? You can now visit All the information you could previously find on ForRefugees is now on

Information in your own language

RefugeeHelp is now available in 11 languages. RefugeeHelp was already available in Ukrainian, Russian, English and Dutch. Now RefugeeHelp has added 7 more languages: Arabic, Turkish, French, Somali, Farsi, Tigrinya and Dari. So you can read information in your own language.

Information and news

On RefugeeHelp, you can find information about the asylum procedure, returning to your country of origin, family reunification, civic integration, finding work, education and healthcare in the Netherlands. RefugeeHelp also has articles about current events that are important for you to know about.

About the team behind RefugeeHelp

The information on RefugeeHelp is supplemented and updated daily by a permanent editorial team of VluchtelingenWerk Nederland. They do this in cooperation with 28 other organisations, such as the Red Cross and the IND. The website is also constantly tested by refugees and improved.

For more information, visit